Ambar Kelly

About Risersafe®

​Introduction to RiserSafe®

A patented design that is adapted to meet individual interface requirements for each project.

RiserSafe® is a total riser zone solution, that works with all frame types. Almost all construction packages touch the riser zone. Ambar Kelly developed and patented the RiserSafe® system to provide a complete riser zone solution that accommodates all package interfaces in absolute safety.

The design of RiserSafe® is driven by the interface requirements for each project and therefore is manufactured to meet the individual needs of a project.

How does RiserSafe® work?

No two construction projects are the same. It’s why we created a flexible and versatile system that meets with various project requirements. This is essential to incorporate over 16 separate interfaces between the riser zone and the other disciplines. The frame contractors install the RiserSafe® units. When mechanical and electrical (M&E) subcontractors need to fit their services they simply remove the lids protecting the penetrations and install the services based on the M&E coordinated design.

Every RiserSafe® unit is manufactured to meet the required performance of its intended use. Rather than having components sent and built on site, the RiserSafe® units are supplied complete for lifting into place. All the requirements are accessed and factored into the RiserSafe® production including:

  • Providing SWL 250kgs/m2 regardless of number of penetrations required in the floor plate
  • Depth of the walls for shuttering purposes
  • Volume and location of M&E services routes through the units
  • Fire Prevention
  • Construction of fire walls
  • Providing lifting or fixing points for heavy services
  • Logistics for roads and sites